Post by DBSKAngel (Namire) on Mar 29, 2008 20:44:35 GMT -5
Tashi is a member of TVXQ Sarang and is from Florida. She has been given a job in Japan.
I'll let her explain the rest!
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Tohoshinki ga daisuki da yo<3 Toku ni Junsu desu! (^_~)
Posts: 153
Post by tashi0426 on Mar 30, 2008 6:03:22 GMT -5
Minna konnichiwa!!! ^_^ So as I promised to everyone, I will write my first blog entry in here today.
First a brief introduction: My name is Tasha and I am 21. I was, recently, given a job as an English teacher here in Japan so I will be teaching at an elementary school in a town called Nogi which is south of the Tochigi Prefecture.
I will give you all an idea of how things have been in Japan. Actually, this blog won't just be about all the happy experiences here in Japan. As I have told a few people, I've actually had a lot of problems so far. However, they are things that can be fixed and I will continue to have a positive attitude because this is where I want to be. I am very happy to be given this opportunity.
First, on March 24th, I arrived here to Japan. It was a very long trip. It took 15 hours and then when I arrived here to Japan, I had to catch a bus to meet my boss so he could take me to a hotel. That bus ride was 3 hours! I finally met up with my boss and we talked a little bit. He took me to the hotel I was staying at. It was a nice little hotel and the manager was very nice. I stayed there for 2 nights. This is when things started getting a little bit frustrating for me.
On March 26th, they changed me to a second hotel and I had no idea why. I think it may be because they are on a budget but these people (my boss and co-workers) are constantly having to drive me around and it was so hard to even have 3 meals a day. I'm in a little town with no support and have no way of getting around. I know Japanese but it still is really hard to express myself. Also, the second hotel they put me in was very small (there is a picture posted already) and I had no way of even contacting people back home. I can't get a cell phone until I get my working visa and that may be 3 weeks from now. On top of that, they changed my position from an Assistant Language teacher to a teacher for the company. The difference between the two is that an assistant language teacher works in an elementary school or junior high school while a teacher for the company works at universities, companies, etc. They also have different schedules. It was my fault at first because I agreed to do it. However, they wanted me to start on March 27th. Might I remind you I got there on the 24th. I didn't even get to do training.
After all that I got really down about things. I actually just wanted to runaway. I didn't realize it would be so hard to be on your own especially working in a foreign country. I really needed the support but yet I had none. I couldn't contact anyone and I was alone. That was probably the hardest thing that I have had to go through so far. I should tell everyone that if you don't ask for what you want, people will take advantage of that. I made sure to call my boss and tell him what I wanted. I told him that I wanted to be an assistant language teacher and I also told him that I wanted to be in a different place. I didn't want to sound picky but any employer that wants to hire you, should also be very accommodating to you. ESPECIALLY if you are in a completely new place. Good thing I told them because, now, I am going to work in an elementary school and I'll be close to Tokyo. I think I will be getting my apartment sometime this week too! I will make sure to take many pictures of the town I'll be living in and post it on the site for you to see!
The good things that I have experienced in Japan so far aren't much because I have been pretty busy trying to get settled and calm down as well. Last night I was able to go out with friends in a town called Utsunomiya which was a lot of fun. I think I spent too much money though >.< I've also been able to practice my Japanese a lot which is also very helpful. Right now, I don't have much to say about Japan because I still have to get settled as I said before but please look forward to better entries! I will tell you about the places I get to go to as well as culture differences and many other things. Right now, this entry is more of a diary to let out my frustrations.
I really would like to thank everyone at this site who has been very kind to me and very supportive. Everyone's encouragement has really helped me out. Many of you didn't know I was going through this hard time but just your messages and encouragement has really helped me become even more positive. I hope that you will continue to help me as I adjust. I really love everyone for all that you have done! The time differences make it somewhat difficult for me to talk to everyone but I will try to keep in touch as much as possible and I will make sure to post in this blog as well as post many pictures. Once again, thank you everyone for your support! You guys are always in my heart. Minna issho ni ganbarimashou (Let's try our best together everyone!)
Novice TVXQ Fan
Tohoshinki ga daisuki da yo<3 Toku ni Junsu desu! (^_~)
Posts: 153
Post by tashi0426 on Apr 4, 2008 5:08:06 GMT -5
Konnichiwa/Konbanwa! Whichever comes first... I haven't actually written anything about my experiences in here so far! >.< But I have been posting a lot of pictures which hopefully gives everyone somewhat of an idea of where I am at. I actually walked around town today and took a lot of pictures! I am about to post more up after I write a little entry of how things are going. Anyways, I really don't know where to start. As most of you know, I was able to get my apartment and things are starting to come together. I got my hot water turned on and finally got my own internet connection. As far as the job is concerned, I STILL don't know where I am teaching. All I know is that sometime next week, I have to meet with the school's Board of Education and we, the teachers, have to introduce ourselves to the whole school. Sounds pretty intense but since this is such a small town, each elementary school has about 100 kids. I don't understand why there are 5 different elementary schools for 1 small town but whatever works. As far as life in Japan, it's still somewhat hard to get used to. However, I love it! I don't know if most of you know, but the Japanese are very xenophobic. In other words, they are very wary of foreigners. For over 2000 years, its been JUST the Japanese people living in Japan and all of the sudden, you have a swarm of visitors. Okay, that is 100% understandable. Which can explain all the strange stares and looks from everyone. When you walk around, it feels somewhat awkward having ALL eyes on you. It's like that with EVERY foreigner that is here. If you are ever planning on coming to Japan, just know that you will get stares. It's different and hard to get used to but it's okay. Each day, I'm trying to learn more and more about the culture. *SHORT PAUSE* OMG THERE WAS JUST AN EARTHQUAKE AND ITS STILL SHAKING!! HOW SCARY * Okay anyways, before I was interrupted by that scary occurrence, as I was saying, I'm trying to learn more about the culture. I'll throw in little differences that I notice in the blog when I get to that point. The main reason why I haven't wrote in the blog as much is because I'm still learning and I've only been here for a week. Not TOO much to say. Tomorrow, early in the morning, I am going to Yokota AB (my old home where I lived for 5 years) which is pretty much Tokyo. I get to see old friends and I think I may end up going out to Tokyo at night. So be prepared for even more pictures sometime into the week. I may not be online for about 2-3 days or at least not much because I'll be out shopping and visiting old friends BUT I will stop in and say hi. I will be coming back to my place early on Monday but I know that I will be preparing for my speech (which I will post up in the Japanese section since it will be a mini-lesson for me and everyone else ^_^) and getting ready to start classes. I will definitely let everyone know how that goes. Anyways, sorry for writing a novel on here! haha Kore wa atashi no nikki mitai na (this is like my diary)!!!! I hope everyone is doing well as always and I will talk to everyone again soon!! With Love, Tasha a*k*a Tashi a*k*a ターシャ チャン
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Tohoshinki ga daisuki da yo<3 Toku ni Junsu desu! (^_~)
Posts: 153
Post by tashi0426 on Apr 10, 2008 7:54:18 GMT -5
Hey everyone! It's been a long time hasn't it?! I can't believe how busy I have been with school. There is sooo much I want to tell you all but I am so exhausted. Everyday after I get off of work it's hard for me to do the things I really want to do because I am so tired. >.<
First, I want to tell you how things are going with school. I work at 2 different schools. I work at 1 Monday and Tuesdays and at the other one the rest of the week. That changes month to month depending on the amount of English classes there is. As of right now, all I do is sit in the staff room with the teachers. haha I don't have any class schedules yet. But it was good because yesterday, and today at school I was able to eat lunch with the kids. I also had to introduce myself to the 6th grade kids today also. It's so strange because most of those 6th graders are taller than me! haha So far, I really think its going to be a lot of fun teaching the kids and playing with them. They are so cute and have been really nice so far. I mean of course you got the few bad apples in the bunch but even they aren't really mean. They just crave attention. As I said, I don't have any experience teaching them yet so I'll save that conversation for a later time.
Now, as far as the relationship with the other teachers, it is a lot different. Some MAJOR cultural differences that I would like to share with you are: 1) It is rude to yawn because it shows that you are bored 2) It's rude to stand with your hands in your pockets. Not really sure why but it's rude 3) If you are leaving earlier than all the other teachers, it would be rude of me to just say bye. I HAVE to say Osaki ni nutssures-h-i-m-a-s-u (I separated it only because it would change it to nutsa) and this phrase literally means I'll be leaving before you or earlier than you. 4) You have to ALWAYS remain productive. Don't just be sitting around at your desk.
I think there are more but I just can't think of it right now. The only thing that is SO hard for me to do is not yawn. haha Thats an ongoing battle because I get so bored at times (since I don't have any classes yet) to where I am on the verge of falling asleep. The good thing is, every couple of hours or so they serve green tea or coffee to you. I have never drank so much green tea and coffee in my life! haha but if it keeps me awake, keep it coming. Anyways, I've realized that I really need to start practicing my Japanese a lot more. It's really hard to communicate with them at times. They don't know English really at all so it forces me to speak in Japanese no matter what. I don't mind. It's definitely a challenge getting used to everything. I know things take time. I actually had a very overwhelming feeling of nervousness when I started to think about my abilities as a teacher. I was wondering if I could do good or if the kids would even like me but after I was actually able to spend time with them, I felt a lot better. I may not have any experience as a teacher, but I will try my best to teach them English..even if it is a couple of phrases...haha I actually think I will be okay. This weekend, since I am going back to Yokota, I am going to be buying a lot of visual aids for my classes. Which reminds me, you won't see me online AT ALL this weekend so don't think I forgot about you! I'm just not here...
Anyways, that's all I got for you guys right now...On a side note and on a more personal level, I have to tell you guys that I...have a boyfriend now! It's really weird and it kind of happened fast but a little history...he was my boyfriend back in high school...we ended up getting back together..there's a lot more to it than that but yea...it just happened. I am happy though! ^_^ I STILL LOVE XIAH ALWAYS AND FOREVER AS WELL AS TVXQ!!! hahaha it's just different now...
Well its about time that I go to bed because I am exhausted but I hope you enjoyed reading this blog. I actually don't think it makes any sense because I feel like I just rambled on about stuff but maybe when I am more aware of what I'm writing it will be better. Hope everyone is doing well and don't forget I love all you guys! You guys are the one thing that keeps me so connected to TVXQ as well. After I got started with this job and got together with my boyfriend, I almost feel like I drifted away from TVXQ but you guys keep that connection alive. I love you guys for that! But more than that, I appreciate all of your friendships! I'm always praying for your health and happiness. Talk to everyone soon!!!<33
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Tohoshinki ga daisuki da yo<3 Toku ni Junsu desu! (^_~)
Posts: 153
Post by tashi0426 on May 1, 2008 11:25:55 GMT -5
Hey everyone! It’s been a long time since I’ve updated but finally I have some time to do so. Things have been pretty hectic lately so that is the main reason why I don’t get on as much anymore. Work has been going really well. I’m starting to get more comfortable but the classes are still pretty hard to teach. Don’t get me wrong…The topics I teach are greetings, weather, colors, etc…but it’s really hard to find interesting activities that the kids will enjoy instead of being bored. I figure if I’m bored teaching, then I’m sure the kids are bored learning more about the topic. I guess it will just take time. The hardest class I’ve had so far are the 6th graders. You know they are at that stage where they are “too cool” to sing songs and they are definitely harder to please. Today I had to teach a class to them and they just would not listen at all. I was getting so frustrated but I held it together. I know how they feel though because I was like that when I was in elementary school. They just like to have fun but they are pretty rowdy.
I also got to teach 2nd and 4th graders today. They are sooo sweet! The second graders came to the teachers room during their recess and asked me to go play with them outside. I forgot the name of it but we played the Japanese version of hide-and-seek. They wanted me to play with them, also, at hiru yasumi (lunch break) and I said that I would but since I ate with the 5th graders during lunch, I had totally forgot about it. The 5th graders asked me to play dodgeball with them and I said that I would. When we finally went outside, the second graders ran up to me and asked me to play and then the 5th graders told them “no, she’s playing with us.” I felt sooo bad! I think they are really mad at me because another thing about Japanese culture is, if you promise something, then you shouldn’t break it no matter what. I didn’t really think too much of it at the time but then they didn’t really talk to me. Their faces looked soo sad. >.< I definitely will remember that next time.
Anyways, since I’m slowly starting to get adjusted to things at the 2 schools, I will start to bring my camera to school and take many pictures for everyone to see. We even have cleaning time at the school. Everyone participates in cleaning the WHOLE school. It’s a good thing these schools are small. I’m usually in charge of the English teaching room since that’s where I teach all my classes. I just want to take pictures of all the cultural differences and things that you all may be interested in.
As far as my life in Japan goes, it’s going pretty well. I was sick for awhile and wasn’t able to go to school but now I am feeling a lot better. This week is Golden week and after I work tomorrow, I’m off for the next 4 days. I have to go back to work on the 6th of this month. That will be a nice break. I am actually going to Tokyo. I am STILL trying to find a way to get to the TVXQ concert. However, I may not have enough money to go. However, I still have good news for everyone. A-Nation 2008 will be held in August and I got an e-mail from Bigeast. Since I am a member, I will get priority in going to that concert. I am DEFINITELY (zettai ni) going to that concert. This weekend, I am going to ask my boyfriends mom to translate the e-mails for me and try to reserve my ticket. Another good thing is, since its held in August, I have no work that month because it’s summer vacation for everyone (Yes, summer vacation for Japanese schools are only 1 month long >.<) I know I will at least have enough money, at that time, to do things like that. Money is really tight at this moment. At this job, instead of getting paid every 2 weeks, you only get paid once a month so I’m trying to hold on to the money that I was able to get from my previous job. Overall, things are going okay. I’m really glad to be here and really glad things worked out. Actually, for the past couple of weeks, I was starting to doubt myself and my abilities as a teacher and almost wanted to give up. However, I pulled myself together and told myself that without the experience, then I wouldn’t be able to get anywhere. I’m gaining back my confidence now so everything is great. Also, I am about to enroll in graduate school. I’m planning on getting an MBA (Master’s in Business Administration). I will probably start either this summer or fall of 08 semester. Soon, I will be SUPER busy but like I said, you guys are always in my thoughts and I will try to keep in touch as much as possible and still participate in activities with TVXQ Sarang. If any of you need my help with anything, don’t be afraid to ask!
Minna genki de ne! Itsumo jibun no omoi ni iru yo! Sonutse, minna no seiko mo TVXQ no seiko mo inori nutseimasu. Daisuki da yo! (Everyone stay lively. You are always in my thoughts. Also, I am praying for both TVXQ and everyone’s success. I love you!)
Novice TVXQ Fan
Tohoshinki ga daisuki da yo<3 Toku ni Junsu desu! (^_~)
Posts: 153
Post by tashi0426 on Jul 27, 2008 2:57:05 GMT -5
Minna!! HONTO NI HONTO NI GOMEN NE!! Minna genki? hisashiburi deshoo!? How is everyone doing?! I haven't been on here in awhile and I REALLY think its about time for me to start participating again. Of course I am still very busy with everything and in search for a job. But good news is, its coming really soon! I'm going to be working at the University of Maryland University College hopefully within the next two weeks. Another good thing is, they pay for education so I will be starting a master's degree program for Business Administration. I've decided that I want to set up a shop or store over here in Japan. I'm not sure what kind of store but that is definitely in the far foreseeable future. I really miss and love all you guys and I just wanted to let you know that I still think of you guys even though it's been a few months. What's even sadder is that I don't know what's going on with the ones I look up to and love...DBSK! Everyone, I really need a big update. Life really did get in the way of doing the things I like to do. But I will definitely try to do more with the Japanese language section as well as attend the meetings that are coming up. It might be hard for me to attend meetings every now and then but I will try my best! I will always support TVXQ Sarang! You guys are still and always will be like family. You all have encouraged me so I don't want you to forget that you all are always in my heart ne!? I think its time to get back in to action. If any of you want to give me some ideas about the Japanese language section of the forum, please let me know. I will try my best to update that as well. I have to end this for now but I love you all and I hope to talk to all of you really soon!
Novice TVXQ Fan
Tohoshinki ga daisuki da yo<3 Toku ni Junsu desu! (^_~)
Posts: 153
Post by tashi0426 on Aug 25, 2008 23:54:13 GMT -5
Hey everyone! Okay...so I started work and I absolutely LOVE it! not more than 2 weeks into it, however, I got sick and had to go to the emergency room. I was throwing up for over 10 hours and then the doctor tells me, I have to get surgery!! What?! Are you serious!? I had to get my appendix taken out and I was soo upset. The surgery went just fine and I'm at home but now I can't go to work for a couple of weeks since I need to recuperate. It's just one thing after the other for me ne!? lol well I just wanted to let everyone know I haven't forgotten about them and that I love and miss you all and will continue to be on. I haven't even been able to move from bed really until now so at least I can be online and find a way to kill time. I really wish I could work...Anyways, I just wanted to let ya'll know! Miss you guys!! <33
Novice TVXQ Fan
Tohoshinki ga daisuki da yo<3 Toku ni Junsu desu! (^_~)
Posts: 153
Post by tashi0426 on Oct 10, 2008 5:01:49 GMT -5
>.< Honto ni honto ni gomen ne minna. sugoku isogashii desu yo! mainichi shigoto e itte, bangohan tabete, shukudai wo nutse, nemasu! taihen ne?!?! I'm sorry everyone. I am so busy. Everyday I go to work, eat dinner, do homework, and then sleep. haha thats my life! I'm just so exhausted by the time I get home that I barely get on the computer but I do think about you guys still and really miss chatting with you all! How has everyone been!? Well, for me, Japan is still amazing! ;D Acutally, me and my boyfriend went to Tokyo one weekend just to spend all day and night there. We were able to get a hotel room there too. It was soooo much fun! I will be uploading pictures soon but I'm waiting for him to still give the pics to me since they are on his computer. But look out for those soon! OH! I don't get paid until the 28th so I couldn't actually buy the new Mirotic album but I found it at the store and that is what I am buying as soon as I get paid...well after bills that is...I did get to download it and I absolutely LOVE it! I listen to it everyday. All the songs make me want to dance! And their ballads, of course, are always awesome. Anyway, I just wanted to come on here and let you all know that I still think of you guys and that you haven't been forgotten. I hope you haven't forgotten about me yet! Anyways, I have to go right now but I love and miss you all and hope to hear from you all soon! Oyasumi!
Novice TVXQ Fan
Tohoshinki ga daisuki da yo<3 Toku ni Junsu desu! (^_~)
Posts: 153
Post by tashi0426 on Nov 30, 2008 8:21:17 GMT -5
MinnaGenki?! It has been such a long time. I seem to say that everytime I haven't been on here for awhile deshou? >.< Well, I wanted to let you all know that I am doing fine and Japan is still awesome. I'm still learning more and more Japanese everyday and I've realized how hard it really can be. Even though i can understand and speak Japanese, I still don't think I am anywhere new fluent. Everyone says how good I am but I realized that it takes me a long time to think of sentences and to think about how I should respond when someone speaks to me in Japanese. I practice a lot with my husband (yes, most of you didn't know that but I got married in September with my best friend, and high school sweetheart. sugoku ureshii yo!) since he is Japanese and I've been getting a little bit better but I realized how shy I can be when speaking another language. I think in some ways I'm a perfectionist so I am scared to make a mistake or someone will lose their patience with me when I am trying to communicate. I think that is what holds me back from speaking it so I know I need to get some confidence in myself and my abilities and start just going for it! As for other things, I am going back to school in January and I'm hoping to move into a house sometime next year. I can't believe this year is almost over. I feel like it was just yesterday when I graduated from college. Time sure does fly but I just want to do my best and have fun while it does because you never know when your time will come. I am very happy with how things are and even though I'm still going through a lot of tough times here in Japan, I'm going to make the most of it and learn something new each and everyday that will help me get through those hard times. I'm really glad to have people like you in my life. Even though we are on a forum and even though many of us haven't actually met in person, I really do treasure you guys as my friends and I will make sure to always do my best in keeping in touch and helping TVXQSarang grow. You all are so very thoughtful just like the friends I have that I've been able to meet and hang out with. Anyways, I'm going to get off of here because I have work tomorrow, which I don't mind one bit since I get to start my new position! ^_^ I am posting up a few pictures right now from this weekend and from a couple of other days. My husband and I went to Akihabara with my sister-in-law and her boyfriend (which is weird because her boyfriend is my husband's best friend!) We didn't know that would ever happen but we are really glad it did because they are great together! It was a lot of fun. If you don't know, Akihabara is where all the otakus(nerds) go. It's called Akihabara Electric Town. If you've ever seen Japanese shows or movies with people who love anime, manga, action figures, maid cafes, anime conventions, or collectable anime doll figures, then you will know what I am talking about. It was fun. We even saw a Japanese guy rapping outside of a designer glasses shop. He actually worked there and had to try and get people inside the shop. It was very entertaining. I'm going to give you the link to that video so you can see it. It will be the link under the pictures I post. Well, that is it for now. Hope to hear from all of you guys soon! Love always, Tasha.
Novice TVXQ Fan
Tohoshinki ga daisuki da yo<3 Toku ni Junsu desu! (^_~)
Posts: 153
Post by tashi0426 on Dec 3, 2008 6:02:23 GMT -5
**NOTE** This was the blog that I had wrote before so most of you may have already read this. I just had to re-post it. Thanks!
Hey everyone! I just wanted to give everybody an update about what is going on with me. As most of you know, I live in Japan. I was a teacher but I ended up quitting and got a different job working at a University in Japan. After 3 months, I was able to get a promotion so everything is going good for me! There are some things that are definitely hard for me around here though. Even though Japan is home, I still have a hard time getting things done that I would be able to if I were in the states. I can speak and understand Japanese but I am nowhere near fluent so it can be pretty hard. Also, I don't think I told any of you, but I am now married. It's one of the happiest things that has happened to me in my life considering it is with my best friend, my high school sweetheart. However, we do go through many trials and tribulations and we still have a long way to go to get to where we are. I guess that goes with everybody though.
As far as school, I am getting my second bachelors degree in Business Administration and I also got accepted to graduate school for business. I will be doing a dual degree program so i will have 2 masters: one in International Management and one in Business Administration. My husband is also getting his degree in Business Administration. We hope to own a business one day here in Japan. When we get there, I will definitely let everyone know!
As far as TVXQ, I think they have inspired me the most to get to where I am today. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about how hard they work which is why no matter what I will always try my best. I hope and pray that one day I will be able to meet them and thank them for everything they have done. I'm sure many of you feel that way. I just wanted to put those words out for everyone to see! ^_^
I really don't know what I wanted to do with this post, but I guess I just wanted to get a few things off on my chest and let everyone in on what is going on in my life. Anyway, I am sure that I will be doing a lot more with this at a later time but as for now, that is all I want to say.
To TVXQSarang: I love you guys and I am so happy that I was able to find a place like this where all the fans of TVXQ can gather, and talk about their feelings, as well as become good friends with one another despite the fact that we may have never met personally. But you guys have been great to me and I hope that TVXQSarang will prosper and continue to grow from now and into the future. I also hope that I will and can always be apart of it <33
Novice TVXQ Fan
Tohoshinki ga daisuki da yo<3 Toku ni Junsu desu! (^_~)
Posts: 153
Post by tashi0426 on Jan 2, 2009 9:45:34 GMT -5
I know I am very late but I wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Years! I've had an amazing 2 week break from work. I actually have ALOT of pictures I am about to post up. First, my best friend from my university in Texas came back to Japan for break (she is Japanese) and we had an AMAZING time! We took purikura (sticker pictures), talked for hours, and then went to her parents house in Saitama. My husband was also with us. They made us Nabe which is basically a cooking pot with various things such as vegetables, meats, fish, and almost anything you can think of. I don't have those pictures yet but when I do I will post them up. Her parents also gave each person a HUGE plate of sushi! Let me tell you, it was absolutely amazing! Traditional Japanese food is something everyone should try sometime! My husband was with us and what was very surprising was that when we walked into their house, they presented us with some beautiful flowers and a vase that was personally made for us! ^_^. That picture will also be in the picture section of my blog.
Second, I was able to spend time with my husband's family during Christmas. Then for an early New Years party, my husband and I went with his family to a friends house. It was so much fun! The next day, for New Years Eve, my husband and I went to a friends house for a BBQ. The food was delicious.
Third, my husband and I decided last night that we were going to take a random drive around the cities. What was amazing about it was that we ended up going at 1 in the morning! lol. We drove all the way to Tokyo and Shinjuku. I made sure to take pictures for all of you to see.
Unfortunately, this is my last weekend before I have to go back to work. Good thing I love my job! There is one last thing I am doing before the break is over...Tomorrow my husband, his family, and I are going down towards Tokyo again to visit his uncle. This is the first time I will be meeting him. Before we go to his house, we are going to stop by his grandparents grave. It has been a long time since the family was able to go and see it. I met his grandparents years ago when I was in high school and I loved them the moment I met them. They were so kind and were people who smiled all the time. I wish I could have seen them again before they both passed away but I am very happy that I can go and pay my respects to them tomorrow. I love and miss them very much so this is a very important trip for both my husband and I tomorrow.
Anyway, I feel like I have already written a novel in today's blog excerpt. I have had a wonderful break! So many great things have happened to me in 2008 and TVXQSarang is also apart of that too. I was able to get to know more about all the members and I have become attached even though I am not able to get on as much as I used to.
As I have said thousands of times, I will always support this site as well as TVXQ. I'm looking forward to all the new things 2009 will bring, not only in my own personal life, but with TVXQSarang and TVXQ. My special note to all the members: Be happy during this new year. Since this is a NEW year, take this opportunity to make the necessary changes you see fit in your own life whether it be with school, work, friends, family, etc. This is your chance to clean the slate and start fresh. In my opinion, I've always considered the new year to be a fresh start in my life. It gives me a chance to reflect on all the good and bad things that have happened during the past year and think about all the things I want to change or make better. I look back and remember all the mistakes I have made and all the lessons I learned from those mistakes. I hope and pray that all of you can do the same. I am praying for everyone's health and safety. Here is my advice to you for the New Years:
~Don't give up your dreams or goals ~If you have anything you didn't like in the past year, just try to make it better for yourself this year. ~If there is something you couldn't finish in the past year, but still want to complete, then think of this new year as a way to finish it. ~When bad things happen to you, try your best to find the good things within that situation. ~When you feel like you want to give up, ask yourself, what would TVXQ do? ^_^ ~If you are ever feeling down, remember you have friends, and family that will be there for you. Even if you feel like you have no one, remember that there IS someone who does care. I know I do! ~Don't hesitate to express your feelings ~Make sure you stay honest with other people as well as yourself ~Try not to let the little things bother you ~One of my favorite quotes is this: Don't compare your life to others'...You have no idea what their journey is all about ~Last but not least, have fun and live your life to the fullest. Make sure to cry, smile, laugh, and live. Try to have confidence in all that you do as well as yourself. That is the most amazing thing about life...you will never know what tomorrow brings. Everyday is another one of life's many adventures. It can be a sad day, a relaxing day, a busy day, a fun day, an angry day, or even a surprising day. All of those things are great because they are all apart of life's journey.
Remember, I care about all of you and wish you the best of luck in 2009 and for many years to come*
<3 All My Love, Tashi Chan<3 [/color][/font][/center]
Novice TVXQ Fan
Tohoshinki ga daisuki da yo<3 Toku ni Junsu desu! (^_~)
Posts: 153
Post by tashi0426 on Sept 17, 2009 7:02:45 GMT -5
Minna! HISASHIBURI DA NE?! I miss you all! So as you all know, I live in Japan and if any of you guys knew about their commercial for a Japanese drink, then I am here to tell you that I have the site! It is a Japanese site but you should still be able to see the videos on the far right. I decided to look it up because I was watching Japanese TV with my hubby and before I knew it, I screamed!! LOL I actually saw the commercial on there and I was about to just die. (My husband gave me the meanest look....lol but he actually likes DBSK because I always sing him that "Love in the Ice" song when we go to karaoke (^o^)/ Anyways, this is the link. www.otsuka.co.jp/adv/orc/tvcm02.htmlHave fun with those CM's! I love and miss all of you guys here and I will TRY TRY TRY to get on more. (Oh and I bought the CD+DVD of Yoochun and Jaejoong's Single Colors! It's been Pre-ordered! YAY!!!!) miss you guys! <33